๐จโ๐User Profile
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The user-profile feature of our platform, which provides important information about your account and your interactions with the platform. In this document, we'll provide an overview of the key features of the Enoch user-profile and how you can use them.
Profile Completion Status The Enoch user-profile feature allows you to track the completion status of your profile data. The platform will display the percentage of completed data on your profile, which can help you to identify areas where you need to add more information.
Rank Level Your Enoch user-profile also displays your rank level, which is determined by your level of activity on the platform. The more you engage with the platform, the higher your rank level will be.
Followers, Following, Profile Views and Post Impressions Your Enoch user-profile also displays the number of followers, following, profile views, and post impressions that you have received. These metrics can help you to understand your popularity and engagement with the platform.
Creator Mode You can also enable or disable the Creator Mode on your Enoch user-profile. When Creator Mode is turned on, you can showcase your content on your profile and get access to creator tools that can help you to improve your content and engagement.
Network Your Enoch user-profile also displays your network, which includes your connections and interests. You can see and manage your connections, which can help you to identify potential collaborators or new followers.
Experience Your Enoch user-profile also allows you to list your experience, skills, and other relevant information. Other users can see this information, which can help you to connect with other users who share your interests or expertise.
Post, Post & Replies, Media Content and Shop Your Enoch user-profile also displays your posts, post and replies, media content, and shop. This can help other users to discover your content and engage with your brand.
The Enoch user-profile feature provides important information about your account and your interactions with the platform. You can track your profile completion status, rank level, followers, following, profile views, and post impressions. You can also enable or disable the Creator Mode, manage your network, and list your experience. Your profile also displays your posts, media content and shop, which can help you to showcase your brand and connect with other users. We hope this overview has been helpful, and we encourage you to explore the user-profile feature of our platform
The posted content by a user is reflected into his profile. The content can be anything like text, images, polls, articles, videos etc. The other actions users can perform are reactionary such as Liking, Disliking, Gifting, Commenting and Sharing.
Below every post there comes the analytics of the reactions, comments, views and gifts.
Comment on a specific post is reflected in this section where other users comment or replies to each other. Like and Reply are the options provided for every comment.
The comment can be anything like Emojis or Graphics or text.
Beside every comment shows the Avatar in a circle of that particular user or replier.
Media section holds the content of the user or creator
It is divided into 2 sections : Public (Free Content) and Premium Content.
Manage Media has 6 options along with the Monthly view and Performance analysis :
Media, Upload, Pay per view, Subscription, Subscriber reward and Analytics. Learn more about how the the analytics are utilized here
Each user has their own shop whereby they can sell their digital assets (NFTs) which they have obtained either through the marketplace or produced by themselves if they are accepted onto the platform as a 3D artist. Read more on user shops here.