Unity SDK Updates - March 21, 2023
Unity SDK Core Module v1.1.0
Unity SDK Avatar Loader Module v1.1.0
Avatar Component #52
Caching issue due to time zone change #55
Animation folder path update #59
Animation Extractor update to handle multiple files #60
Unity SDK WebView Module v1.1.0
Unity SDK 2.0 - February 08, 2023
SDK split into three separate modules, all hosted on GitHub.
Enoch avatar Core
Enoch avatar Me Avatar Loader
Enoch avatar Me WebView
Changelogs are now found in the files for each module's Git repository
Unity SDK 1.13.2 - December 20, 2022
IsWebViewUpToDate method is added for making sure the target device can handle 3D rendering.
WebView Example updated with IsWebViewUpToDate usage.
WebView android library is updated.
Unity SDK 1.13.1 - November 16, 2022
Fixed a typo in the header attributes for the avatar request.
URL processor handling for shortcodes to support URL redirects.
Fix for CORS-related issues with Cloudfront URLs in WebGL.
Fixed an issue on the LOD Example slider.
Unity SDK 1.13.0 - October 26, 2022
LOD example scene and script added to Examples folder of Enoch avatar plugin.
WebView Android Manifest will now have allowBackup:false to help fix WebGLES2 issues in older devices.
Unity SDK 1.12.0 - October 11, 2022
Avatar API support in Avatar Loader, now users can create configurable avatars.
Avatar Configuration Scriptable Object for requesting avatars with different configurations.
Avatar Caching support for avatars created with different avatar configurations.
Editor options and scripting API for Avatar Caching, Cache Cleaning, and Avatar Config.
Timeout variable in AvatarLoader for setting timeout of all web requests.
Shifted to using async/await instead of coroutines.
Avatar Loader design shifted from a chain of methods to array of executable operations.
Avatar loading operations can now be cancelled.
Example scene for Avatar Config usage for showing multiple quality avatar loading.
Short code handling logic updated for Avatar API.
Visual updates for Avatar Loader and Settings windows.
Avatar caching turned off by default.
Avatars are now loaded without a default Animation Controller.
Avatar URLs in example scenes are updated.
Documentation updated.
Avatar position flicker on load issue is fixed.
WebView cache cleanup issue is fixed. KeepSessionAlive usage for restarting avatar loading.
Half-body avatar loading error due to no Animator component issue is fixed.
WebView white background flicker issue is fixed.
Unity SDK 1.11.0 - August 3, 2022
Avatars are now cached at runtime and therefore loading much faster. Cached avatars are stored at Application.persistentDataPath.
The SDKLogger that prints logs about the current operation and the status of the avatar loading process. Enabled by default.
Please help us to improve the SDK by enabling analytics.
You can now generate and render 2D images of avatars directly from the Unity SDK.
You can now remove the session info after the avatar creation by setting the
flag to false.Loaded avatars from the Avatar Loader Editor Window are now imported as prefabs.
Example on how to load multiple avatars efficiently added to Runtime Examples folder.
A new runtime debug panel has been added to the Runtime Example.
The UI of the Avatar Loader is now cleaner and provides you with the most important functionality.
The WebView Partner Editor has been renamed to a more general name Settings.
VoiceHandler blend shape weight fix.
Avatar Loader and Settings Dialog style issues on the first launch, in Unity 2020 and 2021 are fixed.
Render pipeline error in Unity 2022 is fixed.
Editor Coroutine runner duplicated when switching from play mode to edit mode fixed.
Unity SDK 1.10.0 - May 24, 2022
OnFailed, OnProgressChanged and OnCompleted events for AvatarLoader. AvatarLoader with callbacks is now obsolete.
Vuplex example package. If you own Vuplex, you can use this package to load avatars in VR or standalone builds.
Ability to clean up the cache of the WebView, which helps you starts RPM from the beginning.
StopCoroutine method added to CoroutineRunner.
General refactoring of the package. Avatar creation operations separated into classes.
Unity SDK 1.9.0 - April 6, 2022
Context menu for extracting animations from FBX files.
Removed legacy post message event listener.
Async loading issue causing mesh explosion.
Unity SDK 1.8.0 - March 21, 2022
Eye Animation Handler play-mode update and blink rate field.
Animation Target FBX files are removed, animations and animation avatars are moved into separate folders.
MipMaps are disabled for avatar textures.
Removed "Wolf3D" from namespace and component names and filenames.
Renamed "Wolf3D Enochavatar SDK" folder to "Enoch avatar".
Partner subdomain not saved issue.
Partner subdomain forced to return "demo" if set blank.
Unity SDK 1.7.3 - January 20, 2022
Editor UI updates
WebView IOS and Android platform dependent compilation blocks
Loading avatars if short code URL is pasted
WebView example close button behaviour update in UI
Partner subdomain save issue
Code commenting and typo fixes
Former animation source FBX fields are removed.
Unity SDK 1.7.0 - October 08, 2021
Layout and styles for Enoch avatar custom editor windows.
FAQ button to custom editor windows.
Unity SDK 1.6.0 - September 3, 2021
MessageCanvas replaced with MessagePanel for flexible use.
WebView is called on a prefab which can be added via Game Object/UI/WebView Canvas menu.
WebView example scene updated.
Added OnAvatarImported callback to avatar loader, to receive the GameObject before it is processed.
File name and typo fixes.
MessageCanvas removed. Unsupported cases are covered by a message panel.
webview.html is removed.
Unity SDK 1.5.1 - June 29, 2021
Audio Clip support for Voice Handler.
Project version is updated to 2019.4.11f1 LTS.
Runtime Test scene has URL to an optimized avatar.
Animation Target files updated with models with basic mesh.
Animator is moved to root avatar object.
Avatar Armature and HipBone scale are set to 1.
Typo fixes and refactoring in general.
Unity SDK 1.5.0 - June 16, 2021
Support for loading avatars from short codes.
WebView menu window for editing partner subdomain in webview.html.
General refactoring.
RPM website updated to Unity SDK.
VoiceHandler supports beard and teeth mesh.
Animations not exporting correctly in the second time.
WebView IOS permissions issues.
WebView SSL Issue on Android.
WebView does not send URL after window is restarted.
Unity SDK 1.4.3 - May 28, 2021
Variable caching for Avatar Loader window.
Reveal Animations Folder button to Avatar Loader window.
Support for auto assigning animation files avatars during import.
WebView no internet connection case cover.
Animation target FBX files for V2 avatars are updated.
WebView plugin is refactored and code is cleaned up.
IOS WebView not receiving glb URL.
Asset import order conflict between animation and animation target files fixed.
Animation Controllers losing animation references fixed.
MacOS support for WebView due to working only partially.
Unity SDK 1.4.1 - May 20, 2021
Refactored eye and mouth movement scripts.
Eye and animation handler now works for avatars with texture atlas.
Unity SDK 1.4.0 - May 11, 2021
New Unity WebView plugin, which lets your users create an avatar from without leaving their mobile application. You can see it in action on Android in a video here.
Mouth Open blendshape index detection issue in VoiceHandler component is fixed.
Asset Post-processor animation target file folder name causing all animation folders to be processed as humanoid is fixed.
Download the latest version of Unity SDK from our releases page.
Unity SDK 1.3.1 - April 21st, 2021
We've updated full-body avatars rigs, removing issues with upside-down hip bones and improving skin weights. In order to take advantage of the improved full-body rigs, updating to the latest UnitySDK is advised.
Download the latest SDK from the releases page.
Animation Avatar Target files for V2 outfit rigs.
Fetching avatar metadata such as outfit version, outfit gender, and body type.
GLTFUtility Experimental Asset Importer namespace fix for 2020.1 or newer versions.
UnitySDK 1.3.0 - April 12th, 2021
Download the latest SDK from the releases page.
Runtime loading of avatars.
GLTFUtility optimizations for faster avatar loading.
Fixes avatar loading for Android builds for Oculus Quest/Quest 2.
Added the General Integration Guide on how to integrate avatars into a web or Unity/Unreal app.
Last updated