VR and PC
Users can create Enoch avatars seamlessly in a Vuplex WebView displayed within a Unity application. Note that this is a paid plugin.
Enoch Avatar SDK. You need the Enoch Avatar SDK for Unity imported into your Unity project to retrieve avatars. See the Quickstart guide for download and setup instructions.
Enoch Vuplex Example Project
This repository contains a Unity project that uses the Vuplex Web Browser plugin to run the Enoch Avatar Creator and load the Enoch Avatar into the application at runtime.
Follow the steps in the Readme to learn how it works and how to set it up.
Known Issues
With the older versions of Vuplex, you might experience issues with scrolling in the website. Make sure you are using version 4.1 or later.
Although the non-Gecko Engine based version of Vuplex Android WebView has a smaller package size, you might experience intermittent 3D canvas freezing on the Enoch website with Quest 2 builds. We recommend using the Gecko Engine based version for a more reliable experience.
Last updated