๐Becoming a 3D artist
At Enoch, we believe that a social commerce lifestyle can breathe a breath of fresh air back into individual sovereignty and freedom. This is why we offer each user extensive customization and monetization tools, this includes products that allow users to potentially mint NFTs on our primary marketplace. While we would still implement a hardened vetting process for Artists who want to mint, it is just as important to provide all of the artists on Enoch with the necessary tools and opportunities to apply to do so.
The process
Artists can apply via our website and join a waiting list and await further contact
We filter out bad actors and unsuitable applicants
Filtered applicants are contacted and begin an interview process with our creative team
If successful, applicants are given publishing tools to start and sell their items
A category of items and a minimum and maximum sell price are given to all new artists
Once artists increase their sale volumes they are incrementally given more freedom as to what accessories they are allowed to create and for how much they can sell these accessories. Ultimately, users determine who is successful and who is not.
Last updated