FAQs for Unity
Is there a way to cache (store) avatars locally to reuse them without downloading each time?
Yes. Starting with SDK 1.12.0, avatars are cached at runtime and therefore loading much faster. See Avatar Caching.
Can I create an avatar directly in-engine?
No. It is not currently possible to directly create an avatar inside the engine. You need to use a WebView. See Avatar Creator Integration.
How do I change the Render Pipeline of my Unity Project with avatars to URP?
There are no specifics when it comes to changing the render pipeline with Enoch avatars. Depending on the Unity version you use, you need to follow the general guide for changing the Render Pipeline.
How can I integrate the Avatar Creator into my VR application?
You can do so by using a 3rd party library called Vuplex WebView. See Avatar Creator for VR and PC.
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