The AvatarLoader class is used for loading and downloading avatar models and configuring the output.EnochavatarAvatarLoader loads the avatar from the provided url
and stores it in local storage. Used by EnochavatarActorComponent.
Public Functions
LoadAvatar( const FString& UrlShortcode, class U
EnochavatarPlayerMeAvatarConfig* AvatarConfig,
USkeleton* TargetSkeleton, const FglTFRuntimeSkeletalMeshConfig& SkeletalMeshConfig, const FAvatarLoadCompleted& OnLoadCompleted, const FAvatarLoadFailed& OnLoadFailed);
Downloads the avatar asset from the UrlShortcode
and saves it in local storage.
Immediately cancels avatar loading. When the garbage collector is removing the AvatarLoader, avatar loading gets automatically cancelled.
LoadAvatar() Parameters
const FString& UrlShortcode
Avatar url or shortcode.
UEnochavatarPlayerMeAvatarConfig* AvatarConfig
Config for loading avatar with custom configuration.
USkeleton* TargetSkeleton
Chose the skeleton that will be used for the loaded avatar. If not set, the default skeleton will be used.
const FglTFRuntimeSkeletalMeshConfig& SkeletalMeshConfig
glTFRuntime skeletal mesh config that will be used for loading the avatar.Important: This property should be changed only for very special cases as changing this property might break the avatar.
const FAvatarLoadCompleted& OnLoadCompleted
Success callback. Called when the avatar asset is downloaded.
const FAvatarLoadFailed& OnLoadFailed
Failure callback. If the avatar fails to load, the failure callback will be called.
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